RMC DEBITARE LASER oferă servicii de tăiere pentru PLATBANDĂ

Indiferent de materialul din care sunt fabricate platbandele, suntem pregătiți să debităm cu precizie pentru pentru că avem experiență și utilaje performante.



For a professional data processing, please send us the working sketches in “.stp” format, the materials and quantities for each individual product, as well as your option regarding material sourcing (RMC materials or supplied by the customer).

Upon request, we can perform the INDUSTRIAL MARKING of the codes to help customers quickly identify the parts, especially if these are part of an assembly.

170 mm

Diameter of the circle circumscribed to the maximum size of the profiles

15 mm

Diameter of the circle circumscribed to the minimum size of the profiles

Adaptive fastening system for flat bars

6.5 meters

The maximum processing length

Ce materiale prelucrăm?

Regardless of the material that flat bars are made of, we are ready for high-precision cuts because we have the necessary experience and high-performance machines. Laser cutting has the advantage of a very good manufacturing time compared to other cutting methods..

Dotare RMC pentru operatiile de DEBITARE LASER PROFILE

TRULASER TUBE 3000 (2023)
Power:  3KW

Imaginația este limita.
Voi faceți proiectul, noi îl executăm cu precizie!